Dr. Kari Nixon is an assistant professor of English at Whitworth University. She teaches medical humanities, Victorian literature, and is forever interested in death, disease, risk, and why we fear them. Dr. Nixon’s work has been shared on Huffington Post, March for Science, and more.
Her first book, “Kept from All Contagion:” Germ Theory, Disease, and the Dilemma of Human Contact will be in print Spring 2020.
When she’s not thinking about disease, she’s spending time with her husband, two daughters, caring for their pets, listening to hip hop, or— okay, she’s still thinking about disease. What? She can multitask.
Media Features and Appearances
Covid-19 features and interviews
A concise list (with links) of the television, radio, podcast, and print shows that have featured my views on the novel Coronavirus.
How the medical humanities can help us understand food choices
I chatted with Melissa Joy Dobbins about how the medical humanities has much to offer the field of nutrition.
A feminist reading of Jack the Ripper
Check out my conversation with The Generation Why Podcast on what a feminist reading of the Whitechapel murders would look like.
Parenting, risk, and fear
I was interviewed as an expert in this Washington Post Article, “Baby on Board: How a Cutesy Decal Embodies the Enduring Terror of Parenting.”