Is cleanliness a virtue?
In this essay, for the above proposed special issue on COVID-19, I argue that our legacy of unthinkingly aligning microbial and moral purity dates back to the development of germ theory in the 1880s.
The ethical dilemma of asymptomatic carriers
In this academic article, I explore the way healthy carriers have posed unique public health ethics dilemmas since the early 20th century. I cover the case of Mary Mallon (labelled “Typhoid Mary”) to explore possibilities of ethical public health protocol and community mobilization during COVID-19.
Outbreak: Contagion and culture in the victorian era
A work-in-progress. A proposed special issue of Journal of Victorian Culture, co-edited with Lakshmi Krishna that will explore the various ways Victorian experience with disease outbreak can help us locate best practices for our own 2020 moment.
Antibiotics will stop working. What can we do?
In this co-authored article (currently in progress), my colleagues and I propose our design for a targeted advertising campaign via streaming media that tries to get different stakeholders to adopt one or more specific practices for preventing antibiotic resistance. Our work is part of a grant-funded effort to improve public understanding about antibiotic resistance.
Bleeding sores and globalization
My article on how Daniel Defoe uses oozing sores to comment about the importance of global community connections.
Disability and care
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” is one of the most haunting 19th-century short stories. In this essay, I use a disability theory lens to uncover the true tragedy of the story.
Zombies and U.S. healthcare
How can zombie bodies teach us about the inequities of the U.S. health care system?